Your Guide to Healing & Transformation

My journey into healing, breathwork, and transformation wasn’t just about learning tools—it was about unlearning the conditioning that kept me stuck and small.

As a certified breathwork facilitator, and holistic lifestyle coach, I specialize in helping individuals release emotional blockages, cultivate self-awareness, and step into their highest potential, embodying their most authentic, empowered self.

With trauma informed training and experience in breathwork, as well as integrative wellness, and transformational coaching, I create a safe and empowering space for deep healing and growth. 

My approach blends ancient wisdom with modern tools to support deep inner shifts, guiding you toward holistic, sustainable well-being and a more vibrant life.

Person walking on rocks near a waterfall in a lush, green landscape.

My Story
From Injury, to Healing, to Transformation

My journey into this work started in my own body—with pain, restriction, and frustration.

After multiple serious ligament injuries, and old emotional wounds being stored in my body, my fascia had some serious tension—I was in a constant battle with discomfort and limitations. I really began feeling the need to understand my body from the inside out—traditional methods were never enough, always limited in their scope, so I found myself drawn to alternate ways of rehabilitation and healing.

That’s when I first dove into bodywork-based techniques—learning how to work with my fascia, release deep-seated tension, and restore mobility, while building flexibility—which I never had.

These techniques helped immensely, and kickstarted my journey, but there was still a missing piece.

After my first Breathwork experience in 2019, I was able to unlock deeper layers of restriction and the more I explored, the more I realized that the breath was doing far more than just working on my physical body—it truly is a powerful vehicle and gateway to all aspects of our selves, on every level.

With more practice, and further study, I began to really understand the profound connection between the breath and the nervous system—how the way we breathe determines our stress responses, our capacity for emotional regulation, our day-to-day energy, even our ability to heal at the deepest level. 

With conscious breath, I was able to tap into the autonomic nervous system, rewire subconscious patterns, and close the stress loops that had been keeping me stuck for years, while simultaneously releasing huge amounts of physically stored tension and emotion from my body.

This was more than just physical or emotional healing. This was healing on all levels. This was Transmutational - there was no going back.

The body and the breath became my teacher. they guided me toward deeper awareness, showing me how we can alchemise discomfort into strength, restriction into freedom, and pain into power and purpose.

Now, I help others do the same.

Whether you’re carrying stress, tension, pain, or outdated beliefs and patterns that feel impossible to escape—know that your body already holds the answers. You just need the right tools to unlock them.

This work isn’t about temporary relief. It’s about creating lasting change.